Press Release Author: Mark Dunphy/Dunphy Public Relations
Industry: Construction
Press Release Summary: Shannon, IRELAND, 24th January 2008 - A new €400m Masterplan for the rejuvenation of one of Ireland’s fastest growing towns has been drafted and will be formally launched at a public meeting next week.
Press Release Body: The Masterplan seeks to guide and facilitate the future development of 90 acres of land in the centre of Shannon Town, as identified in the South Clare Economic Corridor Local Area Plan 2003. It is anticipated that the Masterplan, which aims to create up to 1000 permanent new jobs, will be implemented in phases over an extended timeframe of up to 10-15 years.
Among the proposals set out in the newly drafted Masterplan is the provision of a new Main Street, pedestrianised shopping precinct, Town Square, Civic Arts Centre, hotel, 3-hectare Civic Park, Primary School, Medical Care Facility and School of Enterprise.
The Masterplan, which promotes a series of energy efficient measures, also provides for a minimum additional population of 2,500-3000 and up to 25,000 sq. metres of residential and commercial floor area in the centre of County Clare’s second largest town.
Murray Ó Laoire Architects, in association with property consultants DTZ Sherry Fitzgerald and consulting engineers White Young Green have prepared the masterplan, on behalf of Clare County Council.
Shannon, the only twentieth century planned town in Ireland, was built in the 1960s on reclaimed marshland alongside Shannon Airport and Shannon Free Zone industrial estate. The town itself was intended as a home for the thousands of workers at the airport, surrounding industries and support services. It has, however, experienced considerable growth in population levels in recent years.
\"The completed Masterplan contains an overall vision, planning framework and design guidance on the best potential development of the lands as an extension of the town centre area in Shannon\", explained John Bradley, Senior Executive Planner, Clare County Council.
Commenting on the need to develop a Masterplan, Mr. Bradley said, “Shannon has all the traits of a suburb and few of the qualities of a town. The community needs a place and space that brings things and people together - a pulsing heart. The town centre must integrate properly with the existing centre, airport and industrial estate and estuary to give an overall package.”
He continued, “The key objectives of the Masterplan include the provision of new civic landmark facilities for Shannon, the creation of an attractive and durable urban public domain of streets and squares, a town centre built on excellent public transport linkages, and a living town centre with residential development integrated with commercial and employment uses. The masterplan also aims to diversify the range of commercial uses and activities, and support a vibrant town centre atmosphere daytime and evening.”
Commenting on the large number of energy efficient measures proposed in the Masterplan, Mr. Bradley indicated, “We are looking to provide 1500 underground car parking spaces; to put in place a network of pedestrian and cycling routes termed ‘green linkages’, to promote higher building design standards and building technology to achieve the greatest energy efficiency; to promote the generation of renewable energy in new developments, such as district heating systems, combined heat and power plants and solar panels; to encourage strategies and solutions to maximise the use of water, such as rain water harvesting and using recycled grey water; and to introduce 5 hectares of parklands and wetlands.”
Mr. Bradley said that the development of town centre lands is viewed as an opportunity to connect the existing town centre and neighbourhoods with the outlying employment areas, namely the Shannon Free Zone industrial estate.
The Shannon Masterplan’s Mission Statement outlines the need to create a living town centre with a residential population. It proposes to attract shops, restaurants, cafes and business; to bring in flagship civic projects such as a town hall or arts centre; to create a wetland garden, tree line avenues and/or artificial lake; to present a strong network of pedestrian/cycle routes throughout the town centre; and to provide crèches, playgrounds and childcare facilities.
Meanwhile, Mayor of Clare Cllr. Patricia McCarthy complimented the residents of Shannon and surrounding areas for their participation in the master planning process.
The Mayor added, “The masterplan has been further informed by the aspirations of Clare County Council, elected members of Clare County Council and Shannon Town Council, public bodies and landowners. Clare County Council now invites all interested parties to view the Masterplan and witness the combined vision and aspirations of hundreds of people for the future development of Shannon.”
The Shannon TC02/TC03 Masterplan will be placed on public display at the Oakwood Arms, Shannon from 7pm on Thursday 31st January 2008. A presentation, hosted by Clare County Council and Murray Ó Laoire Architects, will take place at 8pm.
Following the public meeting the Masterplan will be brought before the elected members of Shannon Town Council and Clare County Council for approval. Clare County Council will then commence the formal processes to give statutory backing to the Masterplan.
Note to Editor: - Interviews can be arranged on request. Artist impressions of proposed developments are also available. To arrange please contact Mark Dunphy of Dunphy Public Relations on 086-8534900 or - Murray Ó Laoire Architects is a firm of architects, urban designers and interior designers. Established in 1979 in Ireland, with offices in Dublin, Cork and Limerick, MÓLA opened an office in Russia (Moscow) in 1992. In 2006, the company opened offices in both Slovakia (Bratislava) and at Aachen in Germany.
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